The best remedy is safety and prevention
Emergency situations with pets can arise quickly and unexpectedly.
If your dog is suddenly injured, knowing first aid basics can help stabilize your pet until you get to a veterinary hospital.
Both Ray and myself are Certified in Pet First Aid & CPR.
Stop. Assess. Act
In the event of a pet emergency, REMAIN CALM. It's important that you keep a level head and clear thinking so you can properly assess the situation and communicate clearly with your veterinarian.
Put safey first. Before rushing in to aid an injured pet, ensure that the area is safe for you to administer the help that is needed.
Check the ABCD's
Airway... clear your pet's airway
Breathing... check breathing
Circulation... check heartbreat / pulse
Disability... assess level of injury
Administer First-Aid
Control bleeding, flush burns, immobilize broken limbs, call poison control for pets, etc
Get help from trained professionals...
Program into your cell phone, the numbers of your veterinarian, an emergency hospital and Pet Poison Helpline.
Call the hospital to alert them of your arrival.
The Vitals: Baseline Heathline Stats
Knowing what's normal for your dog or cat can help you determine if anything is out of the ordinary.
Small and Medium Dogs
Pulse: 70-140 beats per minute
Respiratory rate: 15-30 breaths per minute
Normal temperature: 101-102.5 degrees F
Large Dogs
Pulse: 50-120 beats per minute
Respiratory rate: 15-30 breaths per minute
Normal temperature: 101-102.5 degrees F
Pulse: 140-200 beats per minute
Respiratory rate: 15-30 breaths per minute
Normal temperature: 99.5-102.5 degrees F
How to Take Your Pet's Pulse
1. Find a watch with a second hand
2. Find the pulse or heartbeat in one of two ways:
a. place two fingers inside your pet's thigh, near where the leg and body meet (dog's only)
b. place your hands on both sides of the chest cavity (just behind the elbows)
3. Count the beats for 15 seconds, then multiply by four. This gives you the number of beats per munute.
4. It can be difficult to find a heart rate on cats. If you suspect that something may be physically wrong, seek
immediate veterinary attention.
Pet First Aid Kit Essentials
Keep these items stored in an accessible location
Veterinarian's contact information
Emergency veterinarian's contact information
Pet Poison Helpline contact information
Gauze roll or pads
Medical tape
Ruler or other rigid material for splint
Thermometer and sterile lubricant
Hydrogen peroxide
Plastic or latex gloves
Towel or blanket
Triple antibiotic ointment
Ophthalmic saline solution
Handling an injured pet
Carefully restrain an injured pet... even the friendliest ones can bite when afraid and in pain
Never muzzle a dog if he is unconscious, has difficulty breathing or is vomiting
Never muzzle a cat. Bundle in a towel or blanket and secure in a carrier immediately
Use a bandage, men's tie, length of rag or other piece of long, narrow fabric for a home-made muzzle
Loop the fabric once around the dog's snout and tie in under his chin, then two or three more times.
Pull the ends of the fabric from under the chin and tie securely behind the ears
Pet Poison Helpline
(800) 213-6680